THE total update
well hello everyone. it has been almost a month since i have posted anything , totally new record!
anyway. Life is going by so fast...a blur almost.
i am working monday, wednesday, friday sometimes saturday at the wild carrot café . it's the good times...we dance we laugh we in the market is wonderful!
i also work tuesday, and thursdays at beckwith and Co. right next to my other employment.
monday often i go to my grandmothers
tuesday nights sometimes i have homegroup(if it's going on)
wednesday nights i go to stone church youth group
thursday nights i have grace harvest youth group
friday and saturday nights there is always something going on
sunday the past few weeks have been spend with the grace crew
life is a slice, there have been some interesting experiences lately.but God has shown himself per-usual!
seriosuly revival is's already started...bhahahaha last night skyy and i were hanging out...and then the ghost showed up..i had this boldness about me..bhahhaa..i got in the car with my dad and my sister and i started telling them all that was going on in my life..everything...angels,gold dust, dreams..healings..miracles! it was amazing..started shooting off scripture that i didnt even know! God is soo good...revival is starting in my home..
"It is easy to love the people far away. It is not always easy to love those close to us. It is easier to give a cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve the loneliness and pain of someone unloved in our own home. Bring love into your home for this is where our love for each other must start. " -momma T
REVIVAL must start in your house! it's coming..He's coming soon!
Rose and the grace harvest crew have decided to takee on a project of raising $28,000 for an orphange in Kenya. Africa has been on my heart( you can tell by earlier posts) for over 2 years..a very long time..i am broken for this cause... God's gonna do this...He has already fire fire...bhahahah
ps: keep loving, keep seeking, push in Jesus will rock your world!!! BLESSINGS!
anyway. Life is going by so fast...a blur almost.
i am working monday, wednesday, friday sometimes saturday at the wild carrot café . it's the good times...we dance we laugh we in the market is wonderful!
i also work tuesday, and thursdays at beckwith and Co. right next to my other employment.
monday often i go to my grandmothers
tuesday nights sometimes i have homegroup(if it's going on)
wednesday nights i go to stone church youth group
thursday nights i have grace harvest youth group
friday and saturday nights there is always something going on
sunday the past few weeks have been spend with the grace crew
life is a slice, there have been some interesting experiences lately.but God has shown himself per-usual!
seriosuly revival is's already started...bhahahaha last night skyy and i were hanging out...and then the ghost showed up..i had this boldness about me..bhahhaa..i got in the car with my dad and my sister and i started telling them all that was going on in my life..everything...angels,gold dust, dreams..healings..miracles! it was amazing..started shooting off scripture that i didnt even know! God is soo good...revival is starting in my home..
"It is easy to love the people far away. It is not always easy to love those close to us. It is easier to give a cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve the loneliness and pain of someone unloved in our own home. Bring love into your home for this is where our love for each other must start. " -momma T
REVIVAL must start in your house! it's coming..He's coming soon!
Rose and the grace harvest crew have decided to takee on a project of raising $28,000 for an orphange in Kenya. Africa has been on my heart( you can tell by earlier posts) for over 2 years..a very long time..i am broken for this cause... God's gonna do this...He has already fire fire...bhahahah
ps: keep loving, keep seeking, push in Jesus will rock your world!!! BLESSINGS!